A Blog About All Things Bitch-Worthy From An Almost Naked MzFit Toy.

MzFit Toy will draw you a picture of how she's gonna kick your ass, then mail it to you ten days in advance. The picture gets there, right? You go, "What the hell is this?" Then MzFit Toy knocks on your door, promptly kicks your ass, and you still won't know what happened to you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Making Love Out of Nothing at All...

     Marriage.  The final frontier for some and for others, a step towards settling down and making the American Dream a reality, with the nice house, picket fence, 2.5 children, steady income, and the family pet.
     What happens in a marriage?  You meet, you make beautiful music together, you have a lavish wedding, you ride off into the sunset on a cruise for your honeymoon, you return, you have children, you create civil unrest, you start World War III, you bask in your carnage and bloodshed, and then you sit back and wonder, "What the hell happened?"
     The marriage your parents and grandparents had may or may not be the one you have.  It is very unlikely you will have a serene marriage, because those were better times, different times.  Today's values and morals are not the same as they were 40, 30, even 20 years ago.  Parents do not raise their children to mirror their genders like they were in the 1950's.  Meaning, little girls are not raised to become homemakers, and men are not raised to be breadwinners. 
     Today, little girls are raised by independent, liberal, business women who are inconveniently mothers.  Little boys are raised by cowed, submissive housemaids who just happen to be their fathers.  That is not to say that every child is raised in this manner, there are, of course, exceptions, such as same-sex, elderly, or just completely abnormal parental units, but I will touch on these at a later date.  Not that I am saying there is anything wrong with any of these types of families, in fact, they may be better than what society now calls normal.  There is definitely a benefit to having older parents, because they were raised in the old ways, and will raise their children how they were raised.  Abnormal parental units, I just mean free-loving, hippy-types, which I am all for, so long as you are not those nudist types that sit around the family toadstool having dinner completely in your birthday suits.  That's just creepy as hell.  Same-sex parental units, I will definitely get to in another post, because I have a lot to say about this, and all the bitching that goes on today about it.  Just suffice it to say that same-sex parents cannot be any worse than children raised by parents who are both in or have been in prison, and that's putting it mildly.  So, chew on that, will ya.
     Okay, but back to the reason I wrote this post.  Obviously, my husband and I have the World War III type of marriage.  We have been married almost 10 years now, and I would have thought that we would have figured all this constant bitching out by now.  Apparently, we haven't. 
     My husband and I married quickly, had a child quickly, and learn to grow on each other along the way.  This probably wasn't the best way to begin a life together, but we just played the hand we were dealt.  Now, let me give you a little insight into my husband.  He is basically a 36 year old child.  He is extremely annoying, and usually on purpose, he has to be constantly reminded to do something, and when he hasn't done it, after the millionth time of asking him, a fight ensues. 
     But what really pisses me off is, he didn't used to be this way.  Yes, he was annoying, yes we fought, but it was never as bad as it is now.  He was once very loving, very kind, thoughtful, sensitive, and very clingy, which I didn't mind so much. 
     So, how do we keep from killing each other, while still playing at being in love?  I mean, I do love him, and he says he loves me.  We have a handsome little man from our union, who desperately needs us both in his life.  So, what do we do?  We just put up with it.  Of course, there have been many, MANY times we have nearly called it quits.  Maybe by the time we are 40 we will have it sorted.  If not, I will put him up for auction to the highest bidder. LOL

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