A Blog About All Things Bitch-Worthy From An Almost Naked MzFit Toy.

MzFit Toy will draw you a picture of how she's gonna kick your ass, then mail it to you ten days in advance. The picture gets there, right? You go, "What the hell is this?" Then MzFit Toy knocks on your door, promptly kicks your ass, and you still won't know what happened to you!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Almost Naked MzFit Toy vs. Murder-Suicide


     Some days I wake up in an excellent mood, then I read something in the news or see it on the television that ruins my day, pisses me off, and gets me raging on my blog about it.  This is one of those "somethings".
     You all have heard it before.  A man or woman, but it's usually a man, gets it in his head that his life sucks so bad that nothing will remedy it except for offing himself.  However, he is too scared to go alone, so he has it in his head that his family wants to go with him, so he kills off his entire family (and sometimes even the family pet), and then kills himself.
     ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME?!?!  First, I am all for your physical and spiritual demise, if you think there is no way out.  Who am I to say that your life is worth more to you than you think it is?  Do what you gotta do.  I respect that.  Granted, I don't condone suicide, it's a coward's way out of a problem that can be fixed, if you just put your stupid, brain-dead mind to it.  However.  Your family (and your pets) do not, do not, DO NOT want to go with you!  Why in the hell would someone think they would?  Seriously?  Did you ask them before you decided to off them?  "Hey guys, I suck so bad I can't fix my shit, and I was thinking about committing a little murder-suicide.  How about it?"  I'm pretty damn sure they would tell you to f*ck off.
     Whatever it is that you think is so bad in your life that it requires your suicide in order to fix it, do it alone you f*cking coward, and leave your family and pets alone.

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