A Blog About All Things Bitch-Worthy From An Almost Naked MzFit Toy.

MzFit Toy will draw you a picture of how she's gonna kick your ass, then mail it to you ten days in advance. The picture gets there, right? You go, "What the hell is this?" Then MzFit Toy knocks on your door, promptly kicks your ass, and you still won't know what happened to you!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Almost Naked MzFit Toy vs. Abortion


     I love adding photos to my blog, and though there are plenty of photos available on this topic, they were too gruesome even for me to add, so I went the safer and possibly the more heart-wrenching route.
     I was a member of the Baptist church until I was 18 years old.  Around the age of 21, I decided that Christianity was not for me, and converted to the Wiccan religion.  However, one thing I always did agree with from my Christian days, was that abortion is wrong.  The spark of any life is still a life, no matter what stage it is in, and it is wrong to kill an innocent life, just because you don't want it there.  Please keep in mind, this is my opinion, and of course, I do respect the opinions of others, I am simply putting in my own two cents worth on this subject.
     A lot of people have different views on abortion, and I cannot say they are wrong.  However, for me and my personal choices, abortion is wrong, amoral, and just evil.  You get knocked up because you weren't smart enough to either keep your legs closed or use protection, and now you have a baby that you don't want to raise, so you kill it.  Seriously?  There are people hurting for babies out there, who would love that child no matter what the circumstances were, so give it up for adoption.  Hells, some people will even pay for your up keep during your pregnancy, desperate as they are for a healthy child.  So not only is it beneficial to the baby and the adopting family, but it can also be beneficial to you.  But, don't be one of those girls who decide they want to give their child up for adoption, take good people's money for their up keep, then decide you want to keep it.  Make your decision and stick with it.  It's not right to give hope to a family who are unable to have children of their own, and then change your mind.  It's just assholey and you should be shamed.
     Another situation is a child conceived from rape.  There are extremely strong opinions out there about this, but my opinion is the same.  The baby did not ask or choose to be born out of a hateful situation that has victimized his or her mother, and caused pain and suffering.  However, why should the baby suffer because the mother is so miserable?  Yes, it would be so painful to carry a child for nine months knowing how that child got there, but seriously like I said, there are people hurting for babies, and they will love that child no matter what.
     The only way I would ever condone abortion, is if medical advances are made that enables a mother to see if a child would have debilitating disabilities that the child would suffer needlessly, and that it would be a mercy in aborting the child.  And I'm not talking about a missing limb, or being blind, deaf, mute, having ADHD or Autism, or what-have-you.  I'm talking severely conjoined twins where there is an extremely high risk of losing both children, or a quadraplegic child who would be helpless his or her entire life without adult assistance, or born missing parts of his or her brain, where basically the child would be a living, breathing body, but only with the assistance of machines.  Serious, detrimental disabilities.  Not talking about a little deformity where the child may be viewed as ugly by the public.  F*ck the public.  You don't like the way someone looks, don't look at them.  Seriously.
     Again, these are my opinions, I did not write this post to force my opinions down anyone's throat, simply sharing what's in my head.  You don't like my opinion, you have that right.  And I am always up for healthy debate, but don't try to force your beliefs and opinions on me, because you will get smacked in the head by my big ass brick wall of "NOT LISTENING".  Childish?  Probably.  But I don't force you to eat my garbage, don't force me to eat yours.

1 comment:

  1. My views on abortion are strong too - but most people are surprised that I have them. Because I can't have kids and for several years considered adopting. I am against abortion - but pro-choice. Which I define as this: Do I think people should use abortion as an easy out of a mistake? No. Would I ever have gotten an abortion before my forced hysterectomy? No. Would I ever counsel or encourage a friend or family member that an abortion is in their best interest? Probably not. HOWEVER - I don't feel the gov't has the right to dictate what a woman can or can't do with her body. Because rest assured - if men could get pregnant, this wouldn't even be an issue.
