A Blog About All Things Bitch-Worthy From An Almost Naked MzFit Toy.

MzFit Toy will draw you a picture of how she's gonna kick your ass, then mail it to you ten days in advance. The picture gets there, right? You go, "What the hell is this?" Then MzFit Toy knocks on your door, promptly kicks your ass, and you still won't know what happened to you!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Almost Naked MzFit Toy vs. Same-Sex Marriage


     Well, you knew this topic would come up eventually, and I thought it best to make it sooner than later, considering all the media coverage and debates over Same-Sex Marriages.  And, as I stated in the beginning, this post will express strong opinions.  You may not agree, you have that right.  Any gay-bashing or hateful comments will be promptly deleted.  And I do mean promptly.  I sit on this computer all the time, so you never know when I'm looking, and I have new comment and reply notifications sent to my e-mail, so when I say promptly, you better believe it will be before anyone can be hurt by your hate.  Respect my opinion, I will always respect yours, so long as it is served up with a large helping of tactfulness and respect. 
     Now, on to the strong opinions.  Gay marriage in this country is a very hot topic, one of which everyone has heard on the news, in the paper, on the internet, by strangers, by friends, and by family.  So, if you have lived under a rock for the last 10 years, I will briefly summarize half of the country's opinion for you.  Basically, the debate is that same-sex marriages are forbidden in Christianity, ruins the sanctity of opposite-sex marriage, against the laws that govern this country, amoral, inhuman, that it's a choice to be gay, or like this guy in the photo to the right, demonic.  (Seriously?  What a jackass.)
      My opinion, like the opinion of the other half of the country, is that same-sex marriage is none of your business.  It doesn't ruin the sanctity of marriage, doesn't bother my marriage one bit.  The laws that govern this country were made by god-fearing men strangled by the words of a book, that in my opinion, is just a best-selling work of fiction.  It's not inhuman.  The way gay men have sex is the same way half of the straight men in this country have sex with their wives, and how the other half of the men want to have sex with their wives.  The way any man thinks, gay or straight, is if he has a dick it belongs in a hole.  As for gay women, it's the same way straight women have sex with their men (if they have a good one and he isn't selfish).  Being gay isn't a choice.  I have seen this first hand in a five year old.  It was very clear to all involved, that a boy of a family I know would would grow up to be gay..  It was just plain to see, for those who know how to see it clearly without bias.  Guess what?  He's now 19 years old now and gay.  So, in my opinion, and many others, being gay isn't a choice, it's in the genes.  The same with people who have been in a heterosexual marriage for 25+ years, then one day divorce because one of them comes forward with how they really feel.  You don't wake up one day and say, "Hells, I have nothing better to do, think I'll be gay today."  If it was a choice, who in the hells would want to make that choice, knowing how much hate there is out there for gay people?  Seriously, thinking about it, people.  Did you wake up one day and decide you were straight?  As for demonic... seriously.  I'm not even going there.
     If same-sex marriage bothers you, don't be involved in one.  Don't marry a gay if it disgusts you so much.  Just like drugs.  If you don't like people who do drugs and they way they act, don't do drugs and don't hang around people who do.  You don't like Wiccans or Atheists or Protestants, don't go to their churches, don't read their literature, don't hang out with them. 
     People can't bitch about interracial marriages now because people learned to accept it.  In 20-30 years, (less if you people wise up), they won't be bitching about same-sex marriages.  They will be bitching about intergalactic marriages.  And I will tell them the same thing.  You don't like people marrying aliens, don't marry one.

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