A Blog About All Things Bitch-Worthy From An Almost Naked MzFit Toy.

MzFit Toy will draw you a picture of how she's gonna kick your ass, then mail it to you ten days in advance. The picture gets there, right? You go, "What the hell is this?" Then MzFit Toy knocks on your door, promptly kicks your ass, and you still won't know what happened to you!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Look

I have changed the look of Almost Naked Mommy, as well as adding a few new goodies.  There is a form to submit your blog or website for exchange. If you add Almost Naked Mommy to your blog or website, submit your information on the "Link Exchange" tab, and I will add you to the ANM blog under "Blogs I Am Following" on my home page.  The other is a form for submitting questions to me, that I will answer and publish on my blog.  These can be anything, so long as they are relatively appropriate.  Let me know what you want to know!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


As you may have noticed, the name of the blog has changed, as well as the address. Please make a note of the changes, so that you can keep up-to-date with all my bitching.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Family

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     Yeah, I know, kids say it all the time, but it sucks even worse for a 35 year old kid.  I have spent 4 solid days doing homework.  10 hours on Thursday, 6 on Friday, 10 on Saturday, and 10 on Sunday, and I've had quite enough, thank you.  Only, I'm not done yet. *le sigh*  I still have all of Monday, Tuesday, and until noon on Wednesday before I am done with this horrid semester.  It's been a nightmare, to say the least.  The classes are horrible, boring, and though this semester was only 10 weeks long, I swear it felt like 10 months.  Cannot wait for it to be over, to enjoy my 4 extremely short weeks before the next semester.  I keep telling myself, only 2 more semesters before I graduate, but it doesn't seem to keep my mind on track. 
     I really hope to get at least a few days rest this weekend, because in a week is Teagan's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese with screaming kiddies and chaos all around. 
     Wish me the patience and strength not to run away screaming, completely mad.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Bitches Unite

Hey Bitches.  This is my latest blog for exactly what it says.  My bitching.  Bitching about daily life, fights with my husband, morons in public, pretty much anything and everything that I cannot include in my other blog, which is about my son; give it a visit: http://attackoftheautism.blogspot.com.  It may be a couple days before I have this blog completely designed in a way I won't bitch about, but I'm sure getting it there will piss me off.  Hope you enjoy my future rantings.